We share a very strong bond with our pets. Even after death, we wanted to be close to our fur babies. So options become very few for pet lovers who wanted to be buried along with their pets. Their only option was to be buried in a pet cemetery if that’s what they wanted.
So the question is if people can be buried at a pet cemetery, then why can’t pets be buried at a human cemetery?
This question is answered by New York by enacting new law which allows people to be buried alongside their pets if they choose to do so in a human cemetery. It is not only dogs and cats that can be buried, the law allows a range of different animals to be buried with their owners.
This law is appreciated by many pet lovers as they consider their pets as their family. Though there are exceptions to this law like- Religious cemeteries don’t have to comply with this new law and individual cemeteries can choose to refuse to bury any pets if they want.
It is stated by a pet cemetery in Westchester County that every year at least five people chose to be buried with their pets in their cemetery rather than being away from them in a human cemetery. That is their way to stay close to their pet even after they are gone.
So this law by New York allows pet owners to rest in peace next to the living creatures who loved them so much. The pets who were their best friend and who provided them so much comfort, companionship, and happiness during their time on earth, could not be separated from their human even after death.
Pets are family. This law makes it legal to bury the pet in a human cemetery so they don’t have to resort to sneaking into the cemetery and performing secret burials for loved ones.
Thanks to this law, you and your pet can be together forever.