Unbelievable recovery made by a husky after its rescue from heartless owners.

Though they are the most faithful and loving creatures, still some people treat them in a way that is not acceptable. They are treated like useless items- they are starved and neglected by their owners.

The same happened with Finn, the dog was rescued by the volunteers. At the time of its rescue, the dog was nothing but bones and skin. Luckily, Finn made a great recovery and had a happy ending.

The innocent dog’s life was not that good with his owners for the last couple of years. His former owner did not give him food and water properly. It looked like his owner was taking revenge on his ex-wife for whom he adopted Finn as a birthday gift. When the rescue team at the Pet Angels Rescue came to help him, his condition was heartbreaking.

His rescuers could not believe their eyes when they first saw Finn as he was the only bag of bones with barely any fur on him. But that was him earlier, he was a true fighter and made an incredible recovery after he spent a few months at the shelter. There, he was surrounded by love and care and he forgot all the things that happened to him in the past.

His recovery was nothing sort of a miracle and he had totally transformed and looked like a different dog. It did not end here, Finn also got adopted by a very loving family and he got a much deserved second chance of peaceful life.

According to Pet Angels Rescue, the family which adopted Finn was very good and they had given him the best life.

We are really happy that Finn got a good life after all the hardships.