Dog steps in and comforts a 9 year old foal after the death of his mother, becomes his guardian

Dogs are very caring and protective. They have the instinct to help other animals if they find something wrong. They are always there to give their helping hand to the needy ones. So here is one dog who became a guardian dog and best friend to an orphaned foal. The foal was orphaned as his mother, a 22-year-old mare named Sandy had to be euthanized due to declining health.

They lived in S&K Quarter Horses in Fayette, Alabama. Their owner is Karla Swindle. The death of the mother took a toll on her 9 days old foal, Tye. It was quite heartbreaking.

But Tye soon got a comforter in the form of Karla’s dog, Zip. According to Karla, the dog stayed with her in the alley of the barn all night – the dog just lay there, beside the foal.

It seemed that the dog sensed that the foal was heartbroken so he was comforting him with a sympathetic paw.
Karla said that the dog lay there by his neck and he was whining like crying. Tye lost his mother but he got a friend in the form of Zipping who was comforting him.

Karla said that the dog behaved like he had adopted the foal and he was letting him realize that he was not alone.
Karla said that this was the first time, Zip behaved that way.

Karla said that earlier also they had raised the foals and he used to just see and look at them through the door. But this time, he sensed that something was wrong.

Dogs are emotionally intelligent and they can sense when something is wrong. This was the first time he licked on and laid by the side of the foal. Zip continued to take care of his friend for weeks. He was so eager to see his friend every morning that he would run to the stall and if he found the foal laying down, he would go over there and lay his head on him.

Tye has now grown up to be a healthy horse and it was only due to Zip’s care and friendship in his early days. As a grown-up horse, Tye spent most of his time with his horse friends but he had a special place for zipping in his life. Both will remain friends for the rest of their life. It was really a special friendship between both of them.